During my Senior year, I engaged in a directed study under the guidance of Professor Lefteris Kirousis, which centered on the field of social choice theory, specifically voting and judgement theory. As part of my study, I prepared the slides below to analyze and present my understanding of the material covered, some of which has been used for external talks. A key reference used in the preparation of these slides was Professor Kirousis’ paper, “Aggregation of Votes with Multiple Positions on Each Issue” published in 2016.

  1. Borda Rule & Campbell-Kelly Theorem
  2. Proof of Rule Equivalence
  3. Judgement aggregation and List & Pettit
  4. Binary and Ternary Aggregator
  5. Monomorphic Aggregator
  6. Lemma 3.5 on Projections
  7. Examples and Generalization for Lemma 3.5
  8. Eric Maskin paper on MIIA
  9. Modified IIA and Borda Count
  10. Positional Scoring Rules and NMIIA